Project Name:


3D printed PLA or Nylon, tiny screens w. custom software

Project Website:



Short Description:

Fabrications is a 7 channel video installation that runs juxta positioned canned media on tiny screens, 0.75″ by 0.5″ inside custom 3D printed 42″ tubular light sculptures extending from the ceiling.

Fabrications – Cleveland Sate University Galleries Media Room – December 2017

Fabrications – Cleveland Sate University Galleries Media Room – December 2017

Fabrications – Cleveland Sate University Galleries Media Room – December 2017

Fabrications – Cleveland Sate University Galleries Media Room – December 2017

Long Description:
Not all media outlets are created equal as we have entered the era of post truths. “Alternative facts” are presented as truths, politics are shaped around specific niche believes and opinion is shaped via a firehose of (dis)information (the internet).
Physical and digital worlds have merged to a hyperreality that makes discerning the truth even more complicated as (mis)information ricochets upon our daily lives. Knowledge is selectable, and can even be confirmed by any obscure website. Realities are constructed and perceived rather than factual. Our installation juxtaposes several information streams presented in a media cave of isolation. Fabrications and Abstractions addresses how we fabricate our reality and versions of truth via the abstraction of fabrications of the media. News imagery becomes light and sound, the purest forms of information allowing one to reflect on truth. Immerse yourself in the channels of opposing opinions and leave sapient, knowing full well that the original is but a copy.